Yusuf and Zulaykha

Yusuf and Zulaykha
Fol. 73r from a manuscript of Kulliyat of Sa‘di
India, Agra, ca. 1604
Watercolours, gold, and ink on paper
Here, Sa‘di offers his version of the tale of Yusuf (Joseph) and Zulaykha (Potiphar’s wife), renowned across Islamic, Jewish, and Christian traditions. Falling passionately in love, Zulaykha lures the chaste Yusuf, a beautiful enslaved youth, to her bedchamber, covering the face of her household idol out of shame. Ashamed by his arousal, Yusuf retreats to a corner and weeps. Zulaykha pleads with him to enjoy the moment, but he retorts: “You are shamed by a face made of stone — why should I not be shamed before my Creator!” In this illustration, Zulaykha and Yusuf are isolated from the palace bustle, emphasizing Yusuf’s feeling of helplessness. 3D enhancement helps us visualize the complex structure of Zulaykha’s palace.