Safvat al-Safa’
Shaykh Safi’s Dream about the Rise of the Chubanids

Shaykh Safi’s Dream about the Rise of the Chubanids
Fol. 161v from a manuscript of Safvat al-Safa'
Iran, Shiraz, 1582
Opaque watercolour, gold, and ink on paper
The Safvat al-Safa' mentions numerous miracles associated with Shaykh Safi, including his predictions of future events. This picture illustrates one such occurrence: his dream of the rise of the Chubanid dynasty after the fall of the Mongols. Both the real story and the dream narrative fleeting in the Shaykh’s mind occupy the picture-space. In the lower portion, Shaykh Safi is shown asleep in a lush field, while above, in his dream image, he extinguishes candles that represent the branches of the Chubanid clan, leaving only the one from which future rulers would emerge.