The Shah Isma’il IIShahnameh

Rustam Kills the Dragon
Folio detached from the Shah Isma’il II Shahnameh
Attributed to Sadiqi Beg (d. 1610)
Iran, Qazvin, 1576–1577
Opaque watercolour, gold, silver, and ink on paper
In epic traditions across the world, heroes are forced to prove themselves by undergoing a series of trials — slaying fantastic beasts, solving impossible puzzles, or demonstrating feats of strength. In the Shahnameh, the hero Rustam undergoes a set of seven trials after vowing to save the foolhardy king, Kay Kavus, who has been captured and blinded by divs (demons). Rustam’s third trial pits him against a dragon. As depicted in this illustration, Rustam destroys the beast with the help of his trusty steed, Rakhsh.